A story never really begins or ends. It is merely when the storyteller chooses to start that it begins and where the choice is made to stop that it ends.

Hi! My name is John Burnor. We just met on the home page. As I was saying, I have been telling stories to my kids since my oldest was about 3 years old. He would give me prompts and then we’d be off to storyland.

Really, I’ve been telling stories since even before that. I would tell my wife stories when she was bored. I would write stories in notebooks in grade school. I love the idea of making up whole words, new friends, and plots that transport you anywhere you want to go.

So now I’m sharing these stories widely as I can! I’m interested in sharing stories in new ways that allow for easy access to them but also sets up a way for Mirth and Company to grow.

Mirth and Company is storytelling.

Publishing new stories in new ways.

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Mirth and Company, or MirthnCo for short, is dedicated to publishing new stories, in new ways. Join our community on Patreon to be among the first to hear new stories, receive story lines in full (immediately), see new formats and artwork, and be a part of the discussion!

Spark your child’s sense of wonder and curiosity!

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